sábado, 14 de novembro de 2009

Waste water


There is little freshwater on our planet.

Seventy percent of the planet's surface is covered by water. Approximately ninety five percent of the water that exists on Earth is salty and is in the oceans, and can not be used in agriculture and industry. Only two and a half percent of our planet's water is fresh and most are in glaciers. Less than one percent of all water that exists is fit for human consumption and is in rivers, lakes and groundwater. As an inhabitant of Mozambique uses on average less than ten liters of water a day, a European consumes two hundred to three hundred and one American, five hundred and seventy-five. Each person should have available at least twenty gallons of drinking water per day.

Between 1970 and 1995 the amount of water available to each inhabitant of the world fell Thirty-seven per cent.

Brazil has twelve percent of the freshwater in the world.

Today, about 1.4 billion people lack access to clean water.

The European Union has wasted twenty percent of its water due to inefficient use and forty percent of water used could be saved.

Tricks to avoid wasting water:

Do not wash the car with the hose, use a bucket;

Control the amount of water when you spend watering the garden;

Do not take more than five minutes in the bath;

Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth;

Leave the cutlery and plates immersed in water before washing;

People must be aware that water is precious and should save as much as they can.

2 comentários:

  1. Nowadays people are dying because they do not have water and our government doesn't do nothing. I think if all of us can save water in order to help the Earth we could have a better planet. Who see your post will be encouraged to fight against that problem, and i believe we will solve it. So don't forget, save WATER! (:
