…We all know that pollution is a major responsible of global warming and biodiversity loss ...
Water pollution is when the water, physical properties, chemical and biological change, that make the water polluted. The pollution is very dangerous for all living beings on the planet, since water is the element that also keeps us alive and is 60 ℅ of our body, the polluted water can result in serious human health problems: Cholera, Hepatitis Diarrhea diseases, etc.
The water pollution is mainly due to:
Population growth - population growth with the seas, rivers and lakes are used as rubbish bins, whereas our sewers will all stop in somewhere, treated or not.
Industrial Expansion - More and more, our factory has been trying to improve the filtering of waste, in this case, liquid (sewage), yet it is almost impossible after filtered there is no physical, chemical and biological weapons that disrupt the environment, However the authorities have done much but there is a grid walk way to go, that is, they all try to care about the environment.
To help the planet, we must first of all, use less water because the water we spend wasting a valuable asset and fairly cheap now and that one day may be the price of gold. One of the greatest enemies of the water is acid rain that is causing another kind of pollution (air pollution), acid rain while being in contact with water courses (rivers, lakes) pollutes more water and causes a loss biodiversity, and to solve the problem of acid rain first have to solve the problem of air pollution and only by reducing the release of greenhouse gases, we were able to acid rain that pollute much the water and destroys not only the living but also non-living beings (monuments, etc.).
Information from site http://www.eb1-pias-alandroal.rcts.pt/agua.htm
Luis Gomes, Ourplanet2009
Population growth (altough being another problem of the modern world and something that increases the water consumption) needn't be, in my view, a cause of water pollution. Whether in highly populated areas or not, if water is used and polluted it shouldn't be discharged to rivers and seas before being cleaned.
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