domingo, 15 de novembro de 2009


As we make efforts to reduce the causes of disasters like global warming and the ozone hole, with the hope that the planet is able to heal itself after some time, we must also remember to not destroy the means that it uses to heal.

Such as the tropical forests, which play an important part in reducing the excess of CO2 in the atmosphere, and are being cut down for not only the materials, but also the land.

If the trees were being cut down for the sole purpose of acquiring the materials the problem would be significantly smaller, since it would mean that the same area could be replanted over and over again, with these trees providing the necessary materials.

But since the natural landscape is also cleared to make room for farms, pastures and houses, it means the same area might never be replanted again in the recent future, and because of that, the deforestation of the tropical forest will continue.

Photograph of Brazilian children standing in a recently burned field.
In addition, the tropical forests contain about half of the world's species, including unique trees and creatures who are so dependent of their habitat that they would have no hope for survival should the forests disappear entirely, and even if we were to replant the forest in the future, by then, it might be too late for some creatures.

Photograph of thin layer of organic soil overlying clay in the Amazon

Fortunately, international and national organizations of all kinds are hard at work to prevent such a disaster, one that could end any hopes of the planet recovering from all the other problems currently existing in it.

Information and images from:

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