In this topic I'll talk about the "Ozone Hole".
But first, let's get everyone into the same "page":
The Ozone Hole unlike what some people think, it’s not an actual hole in the skies of Antarctica but a thinner ozone layer above the same region.
With everyone’s head with that fact cleared, these are the facts I will develop later on: The Ozone Hole was created by Human activities, the Montreal Protocol saved Humanity from a world with almost no ozone in the atmosphere and, last but not least, good news concerning the renovation of the Ozone Hole do exist.
Let us start by the first topic. It is common knowledge that the Ozone Hole is a “man-made” product. The great majority of gasses thrown at the air by factories, aerosols and also air conditioning devices, pollute the atmosphere, hence, some of them have the characteristics of destroying the ozone layer such has the CFCs. These gasses are extremely volatile at high altitudes but still with relatively big “life time”. So they collide with ozone molecules, breaking both of them apart and then joining into another gas molecule which will divide itself again, this time leaving the original ozone molecule divided into an oxygen molecule and an oxygen atom and the CFC molecule back to it’s former self.
Concerning the Montreal Protocol, actually it was a terrific choice decided by the governments of all around the globe to come with the idea of banning ozone-destroying gasses. The treaty might not yet have contributed to a straight forward positive effect for the ozone hole, but, just like I said, there is none yet, but enormous damage cannot be mended by some little time as the past 20 years since the agreement, these things take much time to recover. Because of it we have been separated from a dead world without life supporting atmosphere.
The Ozone Hole unlike what some people think, it’s not an actual hole in the skies of Antarctica but a thinner ozone layer above the same region.
With everyone’s head with that fact cleared, these are the facts I will develop later on: The Ozone Hole was created by Human activities, the Montreal Protocol saved Humanity from a world with almost no ozone in the atmosphere and, last but not least, good news concerning the renovation of the Ozone Hole do exist.
Let us start by the first topic. It is common knowledge that the Ozone Hole is a “man-made” product. The great majority of gasses thrown at the air by factories, aerosols and also air conditioning devices, pollute the atmosphere, hence, some of them have the characteristics of destroying the ozone layer such has the CFCs. These gasses are extremely volatile at high altitudes but still with relatively big “life time”. So they collide with ozone molecules, breaking both of them apart and then joining into another gas molecule which will divide itself again, this time leaving the original ozone molecule divided into an oxygen molecule and an oxygen atom and the CFC molecule back to it’s former self.

And some other good news, scientists have discovered that the ozone layer is actually recovering. At the upper stratosphere, the recovery of the “missing” ozone is fully explained by CFC reduction. But the lower stratosphere has a bigger recovery than expected, so, the same scientists (or others I’m not quite sure) came out with the theory that “Winds carry ozone from the equator where it is made to higher latitudes where it is destroyed. Changing wind patterns affect the balance of ozone and could be boosting the recovery below 18 km.”*. Could these big events of natural hazards like hurricanes and tropical storms a way of the Earth healing itself? There is no decision made whether the theory is right or wrong. We just have to give time to the time and see what happens I think.
Edgar Azevedo
*Information from the site http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/05/060527093645.htm
*Information from the site http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/05/060527093645.htm
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