Global warming is a climatic phenomenon.It is an increase in average temperature on Earth's surface.
Some scientists think that increased concentration of pollutants of human origin in the atmosphere is causing the greenhouse effect. The earth receives radiation emitted by the sun and returns most of it into space by radiation heat. Air pollutants retain a part of this radiation that would be reflected back into space. This portion retained cause a significant increase in global warming. The greenhouse effect is the absorption by the atmosphere of infrared emissions by preventing them from escaping to outer space. The greenhouse effect is a characteristic of the atmosphere, without this effect the temperature would be much lower.
The current imbalance is because this effect is steadily increasing. The main evidence of global warming comes from the temperature measurements from weather stations around the globe since 1860. The data show that the average rise in temperature was 0.5 ° C during the twentieth century. The largest increases were in two periods: 1910 to 1945 and from 1976 to 2000.

Pollution of air contributes to global warming
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